Clarity to Launch Academy

Transform Your Experience into a
Thriving Business without the Self Doubt, Guesswork or Wasting Money

Learn the exact strategies and methods I used to grow a 7-figure coaching business and help over 1000 entrepreneurs create their own purpose-driven businesses that attract and convert clients!


Clarity to Launch Academy

Transform Your Experience into a
Thriving Business without the Self Doubt, Guesswork or Wasting Money

Learn the framework I used to grow a 7-figure coaching business and help over 1000 entrepreneurs create their own purpose-driven businesses that attract and convert clients!


Clarity to Launch Academy is for you if...

An inner pull to use your own transformation or experience to empower others in a more meaningful way. You love sharing tips and advice with family and friends. You want to be able to give back and enjoy the lifestyle that you desire.

You’re still working your corporate job..but you’re bored, unfulfilled, wondering, “Isn’t there more to life than this?

You may have even started your passion project - a coaching or consulting business - but self doubt, fear of failure, overwhelm, and lack of clarity have you feeling like you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall and you’re nowhere near your income and impact goals

You want to create more joy in your work so that things feel easier, and the clients and money flow freely into your business.

You’re sick of trying to piece together a strategy, you need and want a step by step proven system that provides the confidence and clarity you need to move forward and creating the impact you were born to make!

Imagine Creating Profit From Your Passions

With Clarity to Launch Academy, you will turn your passion for mentoring, coaching, and supporting people into a profitable business.

Before Clarity to Launch Academy, Fatima was undercharging and even coaching for free.  Three months in, she was able to make five figures.

Clarity To Launch Academy Will

End The Guesswork

No more throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks. Find what works for your specific business.

Stop the Self Doubt

Rid yourself of the Imposter Syndrome. No more wondering who would possibly buy what you have to offer, if you’re good enough and if anyone will care.

Save You Money

No more wasting money on aesthetics and other efforts that won’t grow your business to its full potential. Clients don’t come to you for your pretty logo or website; they come to you for your valuable offer.

How Does That Happen?

Clarify Your Sweet Spot

Get clear on your Point of Value – find that “sweet spot” between what you’re good at, what you love, what people need and what people are already willing to pay for.

Opportunity & Research

Clarify the top 2% of people who need exactly what you have to offer, and stop focusing on the 98% that don’t. In a world with more than 7.6 billion people, there are more than enough who are waiting for your special gift that only you have to offer.

Plan for Profit

Create your signature offer designed to provide real transformation and create real results. Price your program for profit and create a revenue plan that goes much deeper than “make 10K in months.”

Communicate your Value

Learn how to communicate who you help, what problem(s) you can help them solve and how you help them so that others clearly see and understand your value. No more offering freebies or coaching for free.

Launch Your Offer

Create strategies to launch and scale your business from sales psychology to overcoming sales objections, without feeling like a sleazy car salesman.

How Does That Happen?

Clarify Your Sweet Spot

Get clear on your Point of Value – find that “sweet spot” between what you’re good at, what you love, what people need and what people are already willing to pay for.

Opportunity & Research

Clarify the top 2% of people who need exactly what you have to offer, and stop focusing on the 98% that don’t. In a world with more than 7.6 billion people, there are more than enough who are waiting for your special gift that only you have to offer.

Plan for Profit

Create your signature offer designed to provide real transformation and create real results. Price your program for profit and create a revenue plan that goes much deeper than “make 10K in months.”

Communicate your Value

Learn how to communicate who you help, what problem(s) you can help them solve and how you help them so that others clearly see and understand your value. No more offering freebies or coaching for free.

Launch Your Offer

Create strategies to launch and scale your business from sales psychology to overcoming sales objections, without feeling like a sleazy car salesman.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Purpose into Profit?

What Our Clients are Saying

Lekita gained the knowledge she needed to TAKE ACTION and have a successful launch.

Within 2 months of joining, Jen had a full coaching roster. Now she is working with 30+ clients one on one, and about to launch her signature offer.

“I was drawn to Natanya because her professional background was really similar to mine and it made me feel confident she would be speaking my language.”

Clarity to Launch Academy gave Tiana the confidence she needed to build a business that truly represents her most authentic self.

“Made the most money I’ve made since I launched, and it’s all glory to God and to this program.”

One month after enrolling, Crystal was able to book 3 clients on a recurring basis.

Krystal went from burnt out & confused to thriving in her purpose.

Build a successful business that is truly fun and exciting, and in alignment with who you are and what you want to do.

What Our Clients are Saying

Lekita gained the knowledge she needed to TAKE ACTION and have a successful launch.

Within 2 months of joining, Jen had a full coaching roster. Now she is working with 30+ clients one on one, and about to launch her signature offer.

“I was drawn to Natanya because her professional background was really similar to mine and it made me feel confident she would be speaking my language.”

"I wasn’t clear on my focus before joining Clarity To Launch Academy. I had tried so many of these coaching sessions and spent countless money only to get no results. Those past experiences made me hesitant to join, but Natanya’s common sense approach has headed me in the right direction. I consider it a business asset. One of the best investments you could make! It’s an investment in you and you’re moved out of your comfort zone. Phenomenal program! Love it!!!"

– Kimberly

"I had no idea what to do to even get started. I didn't even really know my niche. Through Clarity To Launch Academy, I was able to fine-tune who I wanted to serve and then make a plan to get there. I recommend this program to anyone who wants to start a business and doesn't know how to even get started. This program provides clarity and support all the way through the process and I was able to clarify my niche, create an offer and secure three high ticket clients within three months of joining."

– Denisse

"I didn’t know how to structure a business with online coaching/consultation and to structure an offer for these services. Clarity To Launch has helped me bring my ideas into a more clear form and I now have some increase in confidence about the possibilities of making a profitable business online. This is great for someone who already has an idea for an online business and needs to clarify it and learn how to bring it into business form. This program is a clear process and has a good community of women business owners from a variety of fields." 

– Abby

Maybe You're Wondering...

What if I don’t know my niche? Who can I possibly help?

What if I don’t have a website or a social media?

How can I create a business that’s truly aligned with me and allows me to step into my purpose?

There are heaps of business coaches and consultants that'll help me bring success to my business. How do I know which one to invest in?

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

My Promise to You is to Bring Clarity for Success

My 5-step roadmap is broken up into 8 modules to bring you clarity, action, strategy and accountability for success to your coaching business. Why do extra work when you could be growing your business through our tested process. We’ll help you find clarity in what you need and maximize your efforts from beginning to end.

I don’t offer theories – these modules have been tried, tested and proven by my clients.

Module 1

The Sweet Spot Method

My “sweet spot” method is the recipe for any type of successful purpose-driven business. This is where we get clear on your story, your purpose and start the foundation of your business built around your unique gift.

Discover Your Sweet Spot

What do you love?

What are you good at?

What do people ALREADY need and want?

What are people ALREADY willing to pay for?

Module 2

Find Your Tribe

Clarify who you help beyond surface demographics. We dig deep to understand exactly who your ideal client is and who is not. Then we’ll break down the specific roadblocks and problems you are meant to help them with.

Module 3

Clarity Your Offer & Profit Picture

Create your signature offer – this includes your unique methodology, pricing and value proposition. We’ll help you build out your plan to profit, so you can eliminate the guesswork on how to earn sustainable revenue.

Module 4

Brand Identity & Content That Builds Demand

Create a strong presence for your brand that your clients will know and trust. You’ll gain a clear understanding of your brand, and how to communicate to your niche on what and how you help by creating content that builds demand. Follow our proven content frameworks to attract and convert clients.

Module 5

Grow Your List

Develop a communication strategy that’ll be fit for your niche. Learn how to create freebies that’ll help grow your audience and set your email list on autopilot.

Module 6

Social Media 101

Dive deep into the latest strategies for Instagram Stories, Facebook challenges, hashtags, designing social media content and much more. Learn how to craft the right message across social media platforms. Own your true voice to avoid imposter syndrome and create a brand that’s fit to sell.

Module 7

Streamline Your Systems

Streamline your Systems and discover tools to help you run your business like a true CEO – Onboarding clients, accepting payments, legal protection, creating client materials and time management. Set your business up for success by streamlining your business operations. Save time, money and sanity with a business that runs smoothly.

Module 8

Launch & Sell

Learn the psychology of sales, how to host discovery calls, overcome the most common sales objections with ease, create sales pages that convert and have sales conversations without the ick-factor.

My Promise to You is to Bring Clarity for Success

My 5-step roadmap is broken up into 8 modules to bring you clarity, action, strategy and accountability for success to your coaching business. Why do extra work when you could be growing your business through our tested process. We’ll help you find clarity in what you need and maximize your efforts from beginning to end.

I don’t offer theories – these modules have been tried, tested and proven by my clients.

Module 1

The Sweet Spot Method

My “sweet spot” method is the recipe for any type of successful purpose-driven business. This is where we get clear on your story, your purpose and start the foundation of your business built around your unique gift.

Discover Your Sweet Spot

What do you love?

What are you good at?

What do people ALREADY need and want?

What are people ALREADY willing to pay for?

Module 2

Find Your Tribe

Clarify who you help beyond surface demographics. We dig deep to understand exactly who your ideal client is and who is not. Then we’ll break down the specific roadblocks and problems you are meant to help them with.

Module 3

Clarity Your Offer & Profit Picture

Create your signature offer – this includes your unique methodology, pricing and value proposition. We’ll help you build out your plan to profit, so you can eliminate the guesswork on how to earn sustainable revenue.

Module 4

Brand Identity & Content That Builds Demand

Create a strong presence for your brand that your clients will know and trust. You’ll gain a clear understanding of your brand, and how to communicate to your niche on what and how you help by creating content that builds demand. Follow our proven content frameworks to attract and convert clients.

Module 5

Grow Your List

Develop a communication strategy that’ll be fit for your niche. Learn how to create freebies that’ll help grow your audience and set your email list on autopilot.

Module 6

Social Media 101

Dive deep into the latest strategies for Instagram Stories, Facebook challenges, hashtags, designing social media content and much more. Learn how to craft the right message across social media platforms. Own your true voice to avoid imposter syndrome and create a brand that’s fit to sell.

Module 7

Streamline Your Systems

Streamline your Systems and discover tools to help you run your business like a true CEO – Onboarding clients, accepting payments, legal protection, creating client materials and time management. Set your business up for success by streamlining your business operations. Save time, money and sanity with a business that runs smoothly.

Module 8

Launch & Sell

Learn the psychology of sales, how to host discovery calls, overcome the most common sales objections with ease, create sales pages that convert and have sales conversations without the ick-factor.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Purpose into Profit?

Bonuses for Your Growth Journey

Real growth requires real support. When you sign up for the academy, you’re also signing up for the whole experience. I will be there for every step of your journey with these free bonuses.

Live Strategy Sessions

Value: $3,564

I know it can be hard going at something new alone - with Clarity to Launch Academy you don’t have to! You’ll have access to six months of monthly coaching calls, where you'll learn new strategies and you can ask anything. We’ll help you strategize, come up with actionable solutions and new ideas as you build and grow your business.

Private Mastermind & Community

Value: $997

Bonus six month membership to the Clarity To Launch community with access to our private group of current and former clients who are growing their own businesses. Network with other coaches and business owners who are on the same path. Receive access to weekly content and accountability to keep you motivated!

Overcoming Sales Objections

Value: $497

Step by step training on exactly what to say to sales objections. No more fumbling through sales calls, I’m giving you word for word scripts that you can easily adapt to your own voice and are designed to convert.

The Instagram Explosion Formula

Value: $997

Learn the resources and strategies to double your engagement and reach on Instagram starting today + how to optimize your profile to attract your clients.

Profit Picture Training

Value: $997

Get my Profit Picture workbook and training to strategically calculate your hourly rate, net profits, target expenses and revenue giving you a clear path to your income goals.

Legal Business Basics

Value: $997

Bonus training from expert business attorneys on how to protect your business. Everything from trademarks to business structure type and client agreements, we've got you covered.

Retreat and Event Planning

Value: $497

In-depth training on how to plan and host your first retreat or event with your community! Behind the scenes of budgeting, creativity, timelines and so much more.

Lifetime Access

On top of the modules and bonuses, we offer you lifetime access to these additional features. 

Clarity to Launch Academy complete with dozens of videos, workbooks, and training sessions

Lifetime access including any and all updates

Six Months Bi-Monthly Live Strategy Sessions

Six Months 24/7 Access to Private Mastermind Community

Overcoming Sales Objections

Client Automation Time Saver Method

The Instagram Explosion Formula

The Profit Picture Training

Audit Your Website

Sales Scripts That Convert


FAST ACTION BONUS: The Confusion to Clarity Workbook

Special bonuses + surprises

Direct access to me and support coaches

100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee 

Lifetime Access

On top of the modules and bonuses, we offer you lifetime access to these additional features. 

Clarity to Launch Academy complete with dozens of videos, workbooks, and training sessions

Lifetime access including any and all updates

Six Months Bi-Monthly Live Strategy Sessions

Six Months 24/7 Access to Private Mastermind Community

Overcoming Sales Objections

Client Automation Time Saver Method

The Instagram Explosion Formula

The Profit Picture Training

Audit Your Website

Sales Scripts That Convert


FAST ACTION BONUS: The Confusion to Clarity Workbook

Special bonuses + surprises

Direct access to me and support coaches

100% Risk Free Money Back Guarantee 

Your Investment

The modules, bonuses and lifetime access are all valued at over $19,485.

You only need to invest in less than a fraction for it all.



Best Value! Save $280!

BONUS: 3 months additional support




7 monthly payments

Need A Little More Info?

Contact Us

Clarity to Launch Academy gave Tiana the confidence she needed to build a business that truly represents her most authentic self.

“Made the most money I’ve made since I launched, and it’s all glory to God and to this program.”

One month after enrolling, Crystal was able to book 3 clients on a recurring basis.

I really had no clue where to start or how to begin on starting a profitable coaching business. I literally only had passion. Natanya has been super amazing! She’s changed my life and I can’t thank her enough.She’s shown honesty, integrity, knowledge, and professionalism every step of the way and I am forever grateful! I tell everyone about my coach. Do it! It’s life changing! 

– Fatima

I had a great idea and believed in it, but needed someone to show me the way and bring more clarity around what it is I want to offer and how to be brave enough to put together a profit plan (I undersold myself dramatically). I use the modules as ways to challenge my imposter syndrome. I love the videos and the group of ambitious women with unconventional business ideas and no clue how to make them happen. Super supportive, with very credible and caring instructors! This isn't a gimmick. You are not being sold a pipe dream. Natanya is not a woo woo grifter trying to make money without tangibly helping people. The program is grounded in reality and actionable steps, and gives you a great community.

– Sierra

This is a program that allows for people who have a passion for helping others, that have all kinds of ideas to bring them out and create an offering for others. It's the whole package without the empty promises. You don't need all of the certifications and schooling, which is expensive and they all think alike. Clarity To Launch gives individuals the tools and the confidence to execute their ideas successfully. I really went out on a limb for this, financially and personally, and it's paying off. 

– Kate


Can I benefit from this course if I'm new to coaching?

Absolutely, 90% of our members are COMPLETELY new to coaching (many with just a loose idea of what they want to do). I take you step by step through the process with mindset help to support any limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, etc.

What industry does your program benefit?

The program is for anyone offering a service that you want to package into a signature offer. This program and process works for anyone that is launching a business that provides a service to solve a problem for a group of people. We have all types of niches in the program - relationships, heath, business, wellness, language, acting etc. The program is for anyone looking to start or grow their own coaching/consulting business regardless of the niche.

How long does this program take?

Once you sign up you have full access to the course and can move through as quickly as you like! There are 8 modules, for context if you were to spend 30-45 minutes per day on each module you would complete one module per week. You can of course move through faster if you spent a bit more time per day. We also provide tons of support as you move through via the private group and monthly group coaching calls. You have access to the program for life, you have access to the live portion (Facebook group and group calls) for the six months from the date of your enrollment.

Do I need to be certified?

Certifications are not required to be a coach as it's not a regulated industry, but a personal choice. Some of our members launch their offer and once they are already working with their first few clients get certified to improve their craft, others are not certified and don't plan to as they use their own life or work experience to support their clients, and some get certified simultaneously. More important than a certification is the results you are able to create for yourself and/or someone else. You don't have to wait to get certified to start getting the business side of your future business set up!


Can I benefit from this course if I'm new to coaching?

Absolutely, 90% of our members are COMPLETELY new to coaching (many with just a loose idea of what they want to do). I take you step by step through the process with mindset help to support any limiting beliefs, imposter syndrome, etc.

What industry does your program benefit?

The program is for anyone offering a service that you want to package into a signature offer. This program and process works for anyone that is launching a business that provides a service to solve a problem for a group of people. We have all types of niches in the program - relationships, heath, business, wellness, language, acting etc. The program is for anyone looking to start or grow their own coaching/consulting business regardless of the niche.

How long does this program take?

Once you sign up you have full access to the course and can move through as quickly as you like! There are 8 modules, for context if you were to spend 30-45 minutes per day on each module you would complete one module per week. You can of course move through faster if you spent a bit more time per day. We also provide tons of support as you move through via the private group and monthly group coaching calls. You have access to the program for life, you have access to the live portion (Facebook group and group calls) for the six months from the date of your enrollment.

Do I need to be certified?

Certifications are not required to be a coach as it's not a regulated industry, but a personal choice. Some of our members launch their offer and once they are already working with their first few clients get certified to improve their craft, others are not certified and don't plan to as they use their own life or work experience to support their clients, and some get certified simultaneously. More important than a certification is the results you are able to create for yourself and/or someone else. You don't have to wait to get certified to start getting the business side of your future business set up!

Krystal went from burnt out & confused to thriving in her purpose.

Lekita gained the knowledge she needed to TAKE ACTION and have a successful launch.

Build a successful business that is truly fun and exciting, and in alignment with who you are and what you want to do.

I was feeling stuck, and trying to figure how to get clients. Clarity To Launch has grown my confidence level and mindset. I was at a point where I wanted to give up before taking the course, but I truly thank God for His grace to lead me to this program, and because of that I continue to feel and stay encouraged. I like the group calls and private community because it's always uplifting and I am surrounded by others who understand what my challenges are in my business. This program can help you move where you need to be personally and professionally if you’re just starting out and feel stuck like me.

– Inell

I was working super hard on social media marketing, losing money on ads, and lacking consistent clientele. Clarity To Launch taught me to be really intentional and strategic about my marketing. I also learned to provide quality information and how to niche down on my target audience. I recommend anyone wanting to grow their coaching practice to join this program. I struggled for years trying to figure out things on my own. Yet within one month of starting this program, Natanya's step by step instruction had already paid off for me! It’s worth every penny spent and is truly a life changing investment filled with workbooks, webinars, a group platform filled with extraordinary women and fellow supporters.

– Crystal

I was coming out of a failed launch and felt that all of my efforts were being broadcasted into a void. Nothing I was doing was sticking and I knew deep down I needed to clarify who my audience was. CTLA was inspirational and strategic without feeling like her process would overwhelm me. I'm so much clearer on who I serve and how I can help them, which makes it easier to communicate with others about what I do. The program’s workbooks and Q&A calls are my favorite part. Clarity to Launch Academy is one of the best investments if you are needing to clearly define who your audience is and how you best serve them. It will help you create a signature program as well as develop the communication tactics and stories that will help you connect to your ideal audience. If you are looking to level up or launch your coaching business, this program is definitely for you!

– Victoria

Hi, I'm Natanya

I spent the first part of my career living bi-coastal between New York and Los Angeles, creating global brand marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 consumer brands including Adidas, BMW, and Coca-Cola among others. While successful by society’s terms, I knew I wasn’t living up to my potential. Tired of saying “one day” – I finally listened to that internal voice and leapt into the unknown. Leaving behind a successful career, I booked a one way ticket to Paris to realize my potential and create my dream life.

Shortly after, The Bravo Life was created to inspire women around the world to realize and actualize their full potential. Now a global community of over 30,000 women, The Bravo Life provides coaching, resources, and live experiences and retreats for women worldwide who are committed to living their best lives, as their best selves. 

Through powerful brand strategy and marketing, I empower purpose-driven coaches and consultants around the world with the tools, resources, and strategies to create and grow their own thriving businesses that serve others!

Natanya Bravo, Business Strategist & Success Coach


Shall We Get Started?